Orchestrating Joy
Students who have access to Joyful Music Making
just do better.
But not everyone has access, and not everyone participates.
Washington State
Low income districts with NO music program
Number of students per music teacher in low income districts
Low income districts with NO music program
Number of students per music teacher in low income districts
Low income districts with NO music program
Number of students per music teacher in low income districts
Low Income Districts: Populations with less than $40-50,000 annual income
Our researchers are constantly collecting information on states across the nation.
What is it like in your state?
Our Mission
The I Am Music Foundation seeks to bring joy and mental health to students and communities through
Emotionally Intelligent Music Making
We do this by providing scholarships for training, teaching and practical resources to the most vulnerable communities, and increase participation in schools that do have music programs.
Orchestrating Joy around the world
How we’ve orchestrated joy
All Elementary students reading and writing music
Regular in-class music lessons produce 100% students grades 1-6 can read and write music
Music program directly impacts student behavior
Teachers at Oregon Montessori school report wildly improved student behavior metrics after only 3 months of EIMI music.
Special Needs students read for the first time
Severely disabled students learn to communicate and read through music symbols, starting them down the road for reading and math
7th-8th grade students learn to build instruments
In cooperation with their African friends, music students learn to construct a marimba out of locally sourced woods.
Math champions within one year of better music training
After just a year of improved music participation, Mirema School in Nairobi wins a national math championship.
Toddlers read and write music
Through instruction with their general teacher, African preschool students begin their reading careers with musical notation.
6900+ educators on two continents get free training
General teachers and music teachers in the US and Eastern Africa recieve training on how to use music to improve student health.
Students get free small group instrument lessons
High-needs and low-income students get free music lessons on piano, violin, voice and guitar.
$35,000 in free resources given away
Through the website, we are able to put free resources into the hands of music and general classroom teachers around the world