Binge for the better

Help your students in new ways, every single day.

Joyful Practice Series

Optimizing the Hindbrain: Making Movement Easy

Practice is, by nature, repetitive. How do you bring joy to repetition?

Optimizing the Forebrain: Making Thinking Easy

When you help your students think well about practice, they practice more effectively and efficiently.

Optimizing the Midbrain: Foundational Joy

How do you help students get emotionally ready to practice, play, and perform?

Games and the Practice Journal

Simple Tools that Build Joy = Strong Results. A great video to share with parents and students!

The Practice Map

The practice map is an incredible, foundational tool to teach your students!

Practice Burnout

How do you help your students practice with joy and practice a lot - without burning out?

Performance Series

Bravery, Community and Imagination

Bravery and community are key to a thriving performance life. But how do you give those to your students? Find out more in this video.

Distraction Training

Learn how to hack the brain to create bullet-proof, fearless performers.

The Purpose of Performance

We talk with Renata Choglo, international performer on Middle Eastern violin and Jazz voice, about what performance is for.

Teaching Examples and Advocacy

Playing the Egg Game

The Egg Game is a unique tool to use with students to create deep practicers who always work towards excellence.

How to use the practice notebook

Good practice takes long and focused training. The Practice Notebook is a tool that teachers can use to help create more joy and more consistency in students’ habits.

Student Obsession as Strong Advocacy

How can you advocate for yourself without ever having to say a word? Teach your students the processes that make them obsessed with their instrument.

How to get parents on your side

What does great advocacy look like? How can we use Applied Music Psychology to help parents and administrators understand the importance of music? This video shows you how.

Applying Joy for the HIndbrain

Repetitive practice can be so frustrating. How do you help your students learn to love that kind of practice?

Interviews and Conversations

How Emotionally Intelligent Music Instruction (EIMI) contextualizes for you

Brain smart teaching is essential - but what if you work with a lot of different kinds of brains? In this excerpt, we’ll hear about how Charlee Eaves, profession and EIMI practitioner, uses her EIMI brain knowledge to help different ages of students.

Why music education needs an overhaul

hame vs joy. What is the best way to teach? What does it look like for someone to carry around musical shame or trauma? How can we teach without causing damage?

Is learning Emotionally Intelligent Music (EIMI) Instruction worth the work?

Are there any benefits to learning this new way of teaching? What work can you expect to do - you, and your students?

In this excerpt, we’ll look into one person’s experience and outcomes from coaching with the I Am Academy.

Less burnout, more student joy, more job satisfaction

What is your life like after you’ve studies Emotionally Intelligent Music Instruction with the I Am Academy?

How Charlee got into I Am Academy coaching

Let’s see how Charlee heard about Emotionally Intelligent Music Instruction, and how her love of the method developed

What was your teaching like before coaching with the I Am Academy?

When you learn Emotionally Intelligent Music Instruction, you become a different kind of teacher. What kind of differences do coaching clients notice? What happens to your student retention when you are EIMI trained?

Let’s listen in and hear what one coaching client says.

What they don't teach you in a Music Ed program

Reprioritizing. Retraining on brain mechanics. Reaffirming your deepest instincts on how to care for students well. Let’s see what life looks like for an EIMI trained teacher.

Learning and Applying Music Psychology

Is it difficult to learn the brain mechanics that the I Am Academy focuses on? Does applying this knowledge have any impact on your teaching, your students, or their families (and how fast do you see these impacts)?

What is it like working with the I Am Academy?

What is it like working with an I Am Academy coach?

Would you recommend coaching? (plus some banter)

How do people who work with the I Am Academy feel after they’ve done their work? Let’s listen in to two coaching clients and hear what they think.